Monday, March 5, 2012

Horomata - How do room 2 use tolerance?

Lance - E-books online

We believe E-books motivate children because of the music. The music sets the scene. I like E-books because they are fun to use. E-books might change schools because all children who use them will need a computer.

Whetu E-books online

We think e-books may be a lot cheaper then buying a book. How might it change schools?
E-books might change schools because all children who use them will need a computer.
E-books may change schools because they can be a good or bad .

Winston E-books online

We think E-books may be a lot cheaper then buying books. How might it change schools? They could be bad because they might have bad language and they might make children lazy by not reading and just listening.

Koare E-books online

We believe E-books will be useful in the future because we won't need to carry so many books. They might change schools because all of the children who use them will need a computer and they are very expensive.